(letter Form) 




Subject: Sale of my House 

Dear Sir, 

With reference to your request to put on record the oral understanding between us, arrived at on the evening of _________ in the presence of Mr. ________ I am recording the same: 

1. You will introduce to me a ready and willing purchaser for my house known as ‘‘___________’’ situated at ________ (Address) 

2. That in the event of any purchaser introduced by you buying the said property within the period of _________ months from the date hereof I shall pay you a commission of ___% on the money received by me from such sale. 

3. That the house ‘‘__________’’ consists of the main two-storied building with electrical and sanitary fittings (but no furniture), outhouses, garage and an extensive compound, the entire property being in an area of about _______ sq. ft. The property is freehold and the sale will be free of all encumbrances. 

4. That the sale price of the said property will be Rs __________ or any lesser amount I agree to accept and all costs of transfer to be borne by the purchaser. 

5. Commission will accrue to you on the date the final payment of the sale price is made. But in order to oblige you I will make payments as follows: 

(i) _____ % of the earnest money will be paid to you on the date such payment is made, as refundable advance in the event of the transaction falling through; 

(ii) _____% of the balance on final payment. 

6. I shall not be entitled to employ any other agent for procuring the sale of my said house within the said period of. _________ Months. 

7. After the expiry of the said period of ________ Months this authority shall stand cancelled. 


Yours faithfully, 

Signature BB 

I confirm the above 

Signature AA