In the District Court of............... at...............


In the matter of S.13, of the Hindu Marriage Act 1955


In the matter of ..............................

X.................. Petitioner 


Y ................... Respondent 

EF................... Co-respondent 

The humble petition of ............... (full name and address) 


1. That at all material times the parties to proceedings were and are Hindus ruled by the Hindu Marriage Act 1955. 

2. That on the ............ day of............ petitioner was duly married to Y at etc., ............ and the said marriage was solemnized according to Hindu customs and rites. (An extract from the Marriage Register or an affidavit duly attested to be filed.) 

3. That ever since the said marriage petitioner and the said Y lived together as husband and wife at ............ until the ............ day of ............ (state reasons of separation). 

4. That the following are the issues of the said marriage (state name, address, date of birth, age and sex). 

5. That on various occasions between ............ and ............ the respondent Y committed adultery with ( EF )............ at............ against the wish of your petitioner and in spite of her protests. 

6. That your petitioner has come to know of the same on ............ and since then she has not in any manner been accessory to or connived at or condoned such adultery. 

7. (When the applicant is the wife.) That the said Y had married on the ......... day of......... Sm............. and she is now living at............ 


That the said Y has, since the solemnization of the marriage, been guilty of rape (or sodomy or bestiality) on ............ 

8. That there is no collusion /connivance between the parties with concerning the subject-matter of the present petition. 

9. That no prior proceedings existing between the parties relating to their marriage. 

10. The marriage was celebrated at........................ or the parties last lived and resided at............ within the jurisdiction of this Court. 

Your petitioner therefore prays that the court might be pleased to pass a decree dissolving the marriage of petitioner with Y. 

Signed X (Petitioner) 


I, X, wife of Y, D/O……aged ............ years by occupation housewife residing at............ do hereby solemnly affirm and say as follows: 

I am the petitioner X named and I know and I have made myself acquainted with the facts and circumstances of this case. 

The statements in paragraphs 1 to 10 are true to my knowledge and 


I sign this verification on this ............ day of............... at the Court 

House at............... 

Signature of Petitioner