In the District Court of..................

Case Title 

The humble petition of Mrs. X, the lawful wife of Mr. Y


1. That on the............ day of............ the above suit was filed by petitioner against the respondent (brief the nature of relief asked for and the position of the suit). 

2. That the said Mr. Y is in most circumstances for past some years due reason of his service (brief about designation etc.,) he alone receives the net annual income of Rs. ............... from this service. The said service is permanent. 

3. That over and above the said service, he has other resources and incomes, e.g., the house property at No........which alone gives an income of Rs......... per month and various shares/securities (state briefly particulars) all of same he acquired per right of petitioner as his wife or bought with money received through her, of the total value of Rs. ............ . 

4. That the said Mr. Y, have a right under the will of his father, subject to life interest of his mother therein, to property of value of Rs. ............ 

Your petitioner, hence prays that this (Hon’ble) Court will order for payment of such sum/sums of money due to alimony, pending the suit, as this (Hon’ble) Court may deem fit. 


I, Mrs. X, wife of Mr. Y, and daughter of ………aged about ............ years by occupation housewife residing at ............ do hereby solemnly affirm and say as follows: 

I am the petitioner above-named and I know and I have made myself acquainted with the facts and circumstances of this case. 

The statements in paragraphs 1 to 4 of the petition hereinabove are true to my knowledge and belief. 

I sign this verification on this……… 

Day of…… the court House at….. 
