REVOCATION( திரும்பப் பெறுதல்) OF LICENCE 

Dated ________ 


BB., son of ________. 


Whereas by agreement dated the ________day of ________, 20 ______ and made between you and me, you were granted by me the licence to use my land situate at ________ Road, in the town of ________ for the purpose of grazing your cattle over and mowing, cutting, reaping and removing the grass growing on the said land; 

And whereas you have now commenced using the said land for the purpose of ________in contravention of the terms of the said licence. 

Take notice that the said licence is hereby revoked and you are hereby required, immediately upon the receipt of this notice, to refrain from making use of the said land, failing which legal proceedings will be taken against you and you will be liable in damages and costs. Sd. AA. 

(E) Landlord and Tenant